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Amado Láscar -Chile-


La tumba del oprimido está en la mente de los que callan. En la conciencia de los bienaventurados que porfían En poner la otra mejilla, como Cristos bastardos. En la imaginación alambrada que sentencia a los niños. La tumba del oprimido no está en la voluntad de los que Oprime [allí solo se ejerce el halago o la tortura] Sino en la riqueza que es propietaria de la voluntad Y en las alucinaciones de justicia de los hambrientos. [En el silencio de los que hablan, en la verdad de los reclamos] la tumba del oprimido radica en la ley


The grave of the oppressed is in the mind of those that shut up. Well-ventured in the conscious of the adventurous that wayward In turning the other cheek like the bastard Christs. in the fenced in imagination that the children are sentenced to. The grave of the oppressed isn’t in the will of those who oppress (there they only exercise compliment or torture) But in the riches, that is of the proprietary of their will and in the hallucinations of justice for the hungry. (In the silence of those who speak, in the levity of the claims) The grave of the oppressed should be in the law that also is the cemetery of their memory.

Translated by Hannah Grace Morrison



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