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Carolina Sánchez -Colombia-

Bogotá, Colombia. She earned a BA in Philosophy and an MA in Literary Studies from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. She is editor and founder from the Colombian independent publishing house El lobo está en el bosque. Her literary work (poetry and short stories) has been published in several anthologies and journals. She has also written about the Colombian post conflict, from a philosophical perspective, and researches about silence, secrets, and mourning in a selection of Colombian novels.



I foresee the bird dressed in black, it was my grandmother arriving from distant lands where solitude was a way of living.

I foresee my grandmother bird landing in this moor orphan, foreigner, with sharpened silence, rigid stance under the Elizabethan collar.

Austere, like a Protestant’s home in the country, aseptic and cruel.

My grandmother realized early, she couldn’t speak, she couldn’t think; not allowed.

She served her sentence, knowing the only thing allowed was to die.

The bird carrying bad luck my grandmother was still stares the word with fright through my eyes.


Presiento el pájaro vestido de negro, era mi abuela llegando de tierras lejanas, donde la soledad era una forma de vida.

Presiento a mi abuela pájaro aterrizar en este páramo, huérfana, extranjera, de silencio filoso, la posición rígida bajo el cuello isabelino.

Austera, como una casa de protestantes en el campo, aséptica y cruel.

Mi abuela comprendió pronto: no podía hablar, no podía pensar, no podía. Cumplió su sentencia, sabía: lo único permitido era morir.

El pájaro de mal agüero que era mi abuela, sigue viendo el mundo con espanto a través de mis ojos.

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