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Eduardo Mitre -Bolivia-

Tendría cinco o seis años, iba de la mano de su madre por el gentío agobiante penosamente inclinado.

En la manga derecha y corta de su camisa caqui cómo golpeaba al pasante la ausencia total de su brazo.

Pero él caminaba alegre y, dando pequeños saltos, insistía en el juguete que debía comprarle.

Y ella lo miraba sonriente, inmensamente feliz, diciéndole cien veces sí


He may have been five or six years old, holding his mother’s hand through the stifling crowd leaning shyly to the side.

On the right short sleeve of his khaki shirt how struck passersby were by the total absence of his arm.

Yet he walked cheerfully and, taking small leaps, insisted on the toy that she should buy him.

And she watched him smilingly, immensely happy, telling him a hundred times yes with her eyes and her lips.

Translated by Gabriel Mitre

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