Fior E. Plasencia (Mujer con Voz), a lover of merengue and guava marmalade, was born in Jarabacoa, Dominican Republic. An artist and poet who studied History and Education at the City University of New York, Brooklyn College, Fior moved to New York City at the age of 12 and began writing short poems often using what she was learning in her bilingual class. Her work has appeared in The Acentos Review, New York Dreaming, La Galería Magazine, and Sand Canyon Review. She has also been featured in different independent magazines such as; Brown Loud and Proud Zine, Homegirlz Zine, St. Sucia, and others. She is also the author of the poetry book Para Cenar Habrá Nostalgia (DWA Press). The author now resides in Connecticut, United States. You can find her work at:
Morena en exilio
Si los pasaportes hablaran…
Mano prieta
Mal hablá’
Llena de tierra
Abierta por la palma
Culto mis ojos
Amarga mi lengua
Estas manos serán
mi punto de partida
cuando el nudo
suelte sus plumas
sucias del exilio
Hazlo ahora
Hazlo sin pena
Hunde bien mis venas
Ponle abrigo al viento
para que no convierta
mi añoranza en ceniza
entierra bien mis pesares
antes de que caduque el pasaporte entre la espera.
Dark Skinned Woman In Exile
If passports could talk…
Brown hands Bad-spoken Filled with soil Opened by the palm Complex My eyes, intelligent My tongue, bitter These hands will be my starting point when the knot releases its dirty feathers from exile Do it! Do it now Do it painlessly Sink into my veins Shelter the wind So that you won’t convert my longing to ash Bury well my sorrows before they expire with the passport while I wait.