Inga Pizane (born 1986 in Kraslava) is a Latvian poet. Pizane has studied education in Latvia and Sweden, simultaneously attending lectures at the Literary Academy. Her first collection of poems titled You are no Snow (Tu neesi sniegs) was published in 2016 by Janis Roze. She has performed at the Poetry Days events, the European Poetry festival and other international workshops and festivals; and her work has appeared in theatre and radio. She is currently preparing her second book of poems in Latvian. Her collection of poems HAVING NEVER MET (translated from Latvian by Jayde Will) was published by A Midsummer Night’s Press. Her poetry has been translated into English, Welsh, Russian, and Ukrainian.
Lietus pēc teātra vienmēr ir skaistāks lietus, tas brīdis, kad skatītāji izklīst pa Rīgu, nesdami izrādi katrs uz savu pusi, un divi no tiem esam mēs.
Mazliet možākām acīm, nekā ierasts, mēs tveram tumsu, ir oktobris – visas ietves ir tērpušās lapkritī – un klusumu ritmiski pārtrauc mūsu soļi.
Kādā šķērsielā dzirdama sētnieka nopūta.
Mēs saskatāmies, it kā, lai pārliecinātos, ka esam viens otram vēl blakus un tad gandarīti novēršamies uz mūžu.
The most beautiful rain is always the rain right after a play, as the audience leaves, each taking the performance in their own direction through Riga. We are two of those people.
With eyes that are more energetic than usual, we grasp the darkness. It is October –the sidewalks are clad in fallen leaves– the silence is rhythmically interrupted by our steps.
A street sweeper’s sigh can be heard one street over.
We look at one another, as if to be sure we are still next to each other, then satisfied look away from one another forever.