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Jorge Paolantonio -Argentina-

Jorge Paolantonio face and logo 2015

He has published thirteen books of poems, most recently: Baus [2014] y En este duro oficio [anthology, 2015]. Paolantonio also has six published novels, most recently: Traje de Lirio [2014] y Aguasanta [2015]. In the theatre he has seventeen pieces compiled in four volumes, most recently: Un dios menor [2013].

Paolantonio has won a many awards including: Premio Nacional de Poesía (Zona NOA); First Place: ‘Casa de Carriego’; ‘Letras de Oro’, Honorarte; First Place: Municipal de Novela de Buenos Aires; Internacional de Dramaturgia “Garzón Céspedes”, Spain; SoleLuna de Novela, Italy; Nacional ‘Esteban Echeverría’; Nacional de Cuento ‘Micaela Bastidas’; from the brief novel ‘Luis de Tejeda’. His work has been partially translated to English, Italian, Catalan, French, and Croatian.

corolla of (one’s) existence squatting there stiff bas-reliefs ourselves asking why so many dogs at the end of the night and if those who loved us will know where our bones ended up concealed for ever as they are and pins on the lips.

Translated from Spanish by Nora Isabel Degado

corola de la existencia allí en cuclillas bajorrelieves abarrotados preguntándonos porqué tantos perros al final de la noche y si aquellos que nos amaron sabrán dónde fueron a para nuestros huesos disimulados para siempre entre manuscritos y alfileres en los labios.


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