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Marisa Russo -Argentina-

Marisa Russo was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Poet, editor, and cultural liaison. She studied a Master and Bachelor’s in Spanish and Latin American Literature in Hunter College (CUNY). She is a doctoral candidate in education with emphasis in pedagogic mediation in the Universidad de La Salle, Costa Rica. Founder of Turrialba Literaria in Costa Rica. Currently, she is Adjunct Professor of the Romance Languages Department, Hunter College and consultant of the group Rizoma Literario NYC of the La Academia Literaria, Hunter College. Correspondent in USA of the magazine La Guardarraya Revista Literaria. Editor-in-Chief of Nueva York Poetry Press. The book The Language of the Parks is her first poetry collection.


Marlene Dietrich

“No puedo evitar dejar besarme fácilmente”, escribe en sus diarios de juventud.

Lola Lola atraviesa Tiergarten como un cometa de piernas esbeltas. Cruza el estudio de la Universum Film con zapatos blancos, boina y cigarro. Deja caer las cenizas sin disimular infidelidades. Marlene las junta y se empolva el rostro. Entretelones es bien sabido que se acuesta con todos, menos con Adolph. Se fuma a los que dicen que ella es la culpable de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Marlene Dietrich

“I cannot stop letting myself be kissed easily”, writes in her journals from youth. Lola Lola crosses Tiergarten like a comet of slender legs. She crosses the Universum Film studio with white shoes, beret and cigar. She lets the ashes drop without concealing infidelities. Marlene gathers them and powders her face. Behind the curtains it is well known that she sleeps with everybody, except with Adolph. She smokes those who say she is to blame for World War Two.

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