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Paulo Ferraz –Brazil–

Paulo Ferraz Foto face and logo 2015-2

His first book, Constatação do óbvio (Selo Sebastião Grifo), was published in 1999. Eight years later, Ferraz put out a second and a third book, Evidências pedestres and De novo nada (Selo Sebastião Grifo). De novo nada was adapted to theatre in 2009 and translated into Spanish in 2011 with editions in Mexico and Ecuador.

He published a poetry magazine called Sebastião (2001 and 2002), and organized the anthology Roteiro da poesia brasileira: anos 90 (2011). Ferraz has translated several poets from Spanish, Catalan and Russian to Portuguese and has been invited to participate in poetry readings in Monterrey, Oaxaca and Guadalajara (Mexico), Havana (Cuba), Barcelona (Spain), Guayaquil (Ecuador) and Lviv (Ukraine).

Still Life

An oblique beam a spotlight that when turned onstage hinder the eyes’

freedom, sliding

fluidly along the canvas’ sterile surface in small waves

that slowly wade consuming the darkness that surrounds them, giving the impression

that inside a wicker basket, on the veer of the colors, apples subject themselves to

time and rippen to the dispair of a mouth, ignorant of the allure of linear perspective (how can the mind still fall for that it eternally invents?)

(Translatted by Matias Mariani)

Naturaleza Morta 

Uma luz oblíqua, qual um holofote que aceso no palco tolhe a liberdade

dos olhos, desliza líqüida por sobre a superfície estéril da tela em pequenas

vagas que vão lentas erodindo o negro que as envolve, dando a nítida impressão que

dentro de uma cesta de vime, na curva das cores, maçãs se sujeitam às leis do

tempo e amadurecem para o desespero da boca que ignora as malícias do ponto

de fuga (como ainda a mente cai na mesma mentira de sempre que ela pra si inventa?).

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