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Ricardo Alberto Maldonado (Puerto Rico)

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Ricardo Alberto Maldonado (Puerto Rico) ha sido seleccionado como becario por el New York Foundation for the Arts y Queer/Arts/Mentorship. Trabaja para el 92Y Unterberg Poetry Center. Nació y se crió en Puerto Rico.


In interiors by night-light and by our own admission, we levitate.

It is our birthright. Suppose the cargo was brought for our welfare: a kind

of instruction toward ill, produce we could not afford.

An attempt to recover the economy of youth, thoughts about the climate and the waste of our prose.

There were trees the storm had reserved, fathers unmannered at the effort.

Our theater confused the gods.

We observed the trees. We never knew the fluttering made them distinct.

TAPFNY – The Americas Poetry Festival of New York


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